How to Build a Web App with Go and SQLite

Building a Web App with Go and SQLite Part 2

In part two of our series, we're going to connect our application to the SQLite database and extract records from it, then present it via the API.

Author: Jeremy Morgan

Part two of a five part series on building a web application with Go. Get the Project source code here

Part 2: Connect to our Database

In part one of this tutorial, we created a web API with Gin and verified it worked. Now we’re going to connect to the SQLite database with Go.

We will be using the built-in database/sql interface and the go-sqlite3 library for this project.

So let’s jump right in.

Step 5: Connect to a SQLiteDatabase

In our previous article how to use SQLite with Go we created a simple database that stores a person:

How to build a web app with SQLite and Go

We will download that database from here and put it in our project folder.

Next, let’s create a folder named models and create a new Go file named person.go.

In person.go we’ll want to add the following:

package models

import (
	_ ""

This creates a new file where our database operations take place. It will handle connecting to and running operations against our file.

The first step is connecting to the database. Below the imports, add the following global variable:

var DB *sql.DB

This is where we’re going to persist our connection. Let’s create a function to connect to our SQLite database:

func ConnectDatabase() error {
	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", "./names.db")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	DB = db
	return nil

This function takes no input parameters and creates a database connection with sql.Open.

The Open method comes from the database/sql package, however, there are no database drivers included in the standard library, so you must import one. We imported the go-sqlite3 library for our driver. A complete list of third party providers can be found here.

An important note: the sqlite3 driver returns a *DB. We’re storing it in the DB variable globally to use it without reconnecting. However, behind the scenes, the database/sql library maintains a connection pool. It’s safe for concurrent use, and you usually don’t need to close the connection.

This will establish our database connection.

Step 6: Creating our Model

In this project, the model is super simple. So we’ll create a struct that matches our table:

type Person struct {
	Id         int    `json:"id"`
	FirstName      string `json:"first_name"`
	LastName    string `json:"last_name"`
	Email string   `json:"email"`
	IpAddress string `json:"ip_address"`

This is what we’ll use to pass our records from the database to the web and vice versa. Notice we are decorating these fields with JSON names. We can specify exactly what we want the JSON names to look like.

Step 7: Get a list of Persons (getPersons)

func GetPersons(count int) ([]Person, error) {

	rows, err := DB.Query("SELECT id, first_name, last_name, email, ip_address from people LIMIT " + strconv.Itoa(count))

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	defer rows.Close()

	people := make([]Person, 0)

	for rows.Next() {
		singlePerson := Person{}
    err = rows.Scan(&singlePerson.Id, &singlePerson.FirstName, &singlePerson.LastName, &singlePerson.Email, &singlePerson.IpAddress)

		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		people = append(people, singlePerson)

	err = rows.Err()

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return people, err

OK, so this is a lot of code here. Let’s break it down.

We declare the function GetPersons:

func GetPersons(count int) ([]Person, error) {

We will pass in an int that is a count of how many persons we want to return. For now, this is a pretty simple query, but if we pass in a count of 10, the first ten records will return.

For the return in the function, we have a slice []Person, and an error.

So anytime something fails within this function, we’ll return nil for the slice and the error. We’ll then read it later.

rows, err := DB.Query("SELECT id, first_name, last_name, email, ip_address from people LIMIT " + strconv.Itoa(count))

if err != nil {
  return nil, err

defer rows.Close()

Here we are running a DB.Query and it’s s simple select statement with a LIMIT appended to it. We will select each field we want (don’t ever use select *) and limit the amount returned.

We check for an error on the query and defer the Close() method for the rows to ensure it doesn’t stay open after we’re done.

next, we will create a new slice, people:

people := make([]Person, 0)

Then we’ll iterate through the results:

for rows.Next() {

We will create an instance of the Person struct:

singlePerson := Person{}

Then we’ll use rows.Scan to scan the values returned in the row and bind them to the singlePerson object we just created.

  err = rows.Scan(&singlePerson.Id, &singlePerson.FirstName, &singlePerson.LastName, &singlePerson.Email, &singlePerson.IpAddress)

  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

We do another quick check for a Scan error.

Then we append our new singlePerson object into the slice of people to be returned:

people = append(people, singlePerson)

And that’s it! Now we can extract data from the database. This concludes our work in person.go for now, so let’s go back to main.go so we can put this model to work.

first, add the following import:


This is what I named my project. Yours may be different. But make sure you add your /models folder into your imports.

Also, to save space, I’ve created the following function:

func checkErr(err error) {
	if err != nil {

This function checks errors and dumps the application when we have one.

In main.go, look for func getPersons.

func getPersons(c *gin.Context) {
	c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"message": "getPersons Called"})

Let’s change it up. We’re going to use it to call our database and return some pretty JSON:

func getPersons(c *gin.Context) {

	persons, err := models.GetPersons(10)

	if persons == nil {
		c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": "No Records Found"})
	} else {
		c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"data": persons})

Here we make a single call to the function we just created, and we get 10 records from our database:

persons, err := models.GetPersons(10)

Then we check for errors:


Finally, we do a check on the results from the database. If it’s nil and no error was thrown, we can assume there weren’t any records.

if persons == nil {
  c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": "No Records Found"})

Otherwise, we’re good! Let’s send a 200 OK with our data:

else {
  c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"data": persons})

We’re just about to test it. So at the top of func main() { let’s add the connection to the database:

err := models.ConnectDatabase()

This will create a database connection that will persist in our application.

So once again, we’ll build it and run it:

go build

And now, when we send a GET request to /api/v1/person we get this:

How to build a web app with SQLite and Go

And if you look at your console, you’ll see the requests in realtime:

How to build a web app with SQLite and Go

Awesome! We are working with data now. This method gets a list of the first ten records in the database. But what if we want an individual record?

In Part three we’ll select a single person from the database.

Series: Building a Web App with Go and SQLite:

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Related tags:

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About the author

Jeremy Morgan is a tech blogger, speaker and author. He has been a developer for nearly two decades and has worked with a variety of companies from the Fortune 100 to shoestring startups.

Jeremy loves to teach and learn, writing here on and on his Tech Blog as well as building Pluralsight Courses.

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